Video Courses
T’ai Chi Video Courses
Learn effective T’ai Chi routines with Sensei Sandeep Desai that you can do from home. The purpose of the T’ai Chi instructional sessions is to share one of the best-kept secrets of China with the viewer. These videos created in the lap of the Himalayas, present a clear explanation of T’ai Chi, with a step-by-step and easy-to-follow training program that sows the seeds of a strong foundation. These exercises calm the mind, strengthen the chi and make the whole body robust and physically strong.
7 Morning Moves To Energize You
These 7 energizing exercises will get your blood pumping, boost your mood, and help you power through your day with renewed energy!
Whether you need a morning pick-me-up or an afternoon boost, these moves are the perfect way to stay active and motivated.
These essential movements improve flexibility, stability, and joint health. Add them to your routine for stronger, more mobile movements of everyday life!
Get ready to feel unstoppable!!! You will receive video 0f 7 movements in your Inbox!! Download Now!!
About Video Courses
This is a step-by-step 3-part online course that explains in detail how tai chi can teach you the timeless principles of moderation and patience in this fast-paced often crazy world.
The tension caused by the stress doesn’t allow you to make insightful decisions.
One more issue the masses are facing today is burnout. Striving for 100 percent inherently produces stress and tension without you being aware of it.
This video course can help you reduce stress, heal joint and spine injuries, and experience full aliveness on all levels physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Whether you are an athlete, yoga practitioner, a housewife, a senior citizen or someone overweight, tai chi offers rich potential to positively inspire and affect many aspects of our life.
You’ll learn the most practical tools and skills that’ll change the way you look at life.
Beginner’s Course
Original Chen Style T’ai Chi and Qigong
1) Qigong – An Effective Home Workout
Qigong originated out of ancient China. It involves simple mind-body exercises that dramatically increase your energy levels.
2) Qigong – ‘Ba Duan Jin’ 8 Brocade Exercises
Also known as “eight piece brocade” the set of 8 exercises originated in the Shaolin Temple.
3) Seven Simple Taoist Exercises for Stress, Anxiety and Fear
Seven simple Taoist Exercises will teach you to slow down and also endow the practitioner with immense physical, emotional, and spiritual healing benefits.
Beginners Course
3 video sessions of Original Chen Style T’ai Chi and Qigong
INR 799/ only
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Level 1 Course
Original Chen Style T’ai Chi- Old Frame First Routine-“Lao Jia Yi Lu”
Form training is an indispensable part of T’ai Chi. When a series of rhythmic movements and postures, which are based upon observations of animals, is strung together in a seamless sequence, and performed softly, slowly, and smoothly.
Practicing the Form leads to self-mastery through the balancing of internal and external energy.It is the ultimate mind, body, and soul workout.
First 5 moves of Form with full explanation.
Level 1 Course
First five moves of Chen T’ai Chi Oldest Form known as “YILU”
INR 999/ only
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T’ai Chi Fundamentals
T’ai Chi Circles
T’ai Chi derives its strength from “Silk Reeling “- the force generated from spiraling, coiling circular motions. T’ai Chi Circles, known as Silk Reeling Movements (Chan si gong) are the basic alphabet of Chen Style T’ai Chi and acclimatize the student to learn the FORM. They also give an insight into the timeless 70% rule of moderation.
CHI Building Movements
Chi-building movements focus on precise structural alignment, active relaxation, softness, balance, and mind/body coordination.
These exercises calm the mind, strengthen the chi and make the whole body robust and physically strong.
T’ai Chi Circles
INR 799/ only
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Chi Building Movements
INR 799/ only
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Download videos as many times as you like and learn at your pace from anywhere anytime!

Sensei Sandeep Desai is the master of T’ai Chi, Ashtanga Yoga and Karate with several international accolades to his name. Sensei is the only Indian, authorized by 2 legendary Grandmasters from China to teach the Original Chen style T’ai Chi in India.