What is Ta’i Chi
T’ai Chi Ch’uan is an internal, ancient martial art – focusing on slow, soft movements that promote dynamic energy and cultivate inward focus. When you learn this art from the standpoint of health and healing, it is called T’ai Chi; when it is studied with an emphasis on self-defence, T’ai Chi becomes T’ai Chi Ch’uan.
Easy to learn and enjoyable to perform, T’ai Chi is a wonderful form of exercise which can be practised by anyone regardless of age or physical ability. Based upon observations of animals, T’ai Chi movements alternate between slow and quick, gentle and firm, rising and sinking, contracting and expanding. These continually spiraling, coiling, flowing movements train both body and mind in balance, coordination and control. Besides raising energy levels, regular practice of T’ai Chi speeds up recovery from illness and injury, lessens the need for sleep and reduces the tendency to become sick.
T’ai Chi is the highest form of martial art. A tiny force can move mountains: T’ai Chi is based on that principle. A force of four ounces can topple a weight of one thousand pounds. T’ai Chi derives its strength from Silk Reeling, the force generated from circular motion. Just as a cyclone is dramatically more powerful than a steady wind, so the circular movements of T’ai Chi conceal formidable force. Its results can be measured in terms of good health, happiness, longevity and inner peace.

Benefits Of Practicing T'ai Chi
Strengthens and stimulates every muscle, joint, organ, gland and tissue of your body
Encourages chi to flow through the acupuncture meridians of the body and dissolves energy blockages
Heals chronic health problems and joint and back injuries
Raises energy level and improves circulation
Relieves stress, even deep unconscious stress that often goes undetected
Reverses many symptoms associated with the “normal” process of aging

Strengthens the immune system
Stabilizes blood pressure
Twists and turns, the basic requirement of every T’ai Chi movement, help to digest food
Restores youthful flexibility and stamina
Makes you stronger, healthier and more vibrant with the passing years
Eliminates internal weakness, the root cause of all disease
Confers greater sexual endurance

T’ai Chi took birth at Chenjiagou, an agricultural village with a population of about 2500 people, located on the Yellow River in the peaceful countryside of Northern China. 95 percent of the people from this village practice T’ai Chi, including men, women, and children of all ages .The Chen style is to T’ai Chi what Shakespeare is to contemporary theater. Chen style T’ai Chi is the original T’ai Chi from which all the other T’ai Chi styles were developed (Yang, Wu, Sun, etc).
Chen Wangting (1600-1680), a ninth-generation descendant of the Chen family, put together his vast knowledge of martial arts, traditional Chinese medical theory and classical Tao Te Ching philosophy to create T’ai Chi. This internal martial art has been passed down in the Chen family from generation to generation for over 300 years.
Today, the descendants of the Chen family continue to strive for excellence, to develop and improve their family’s martial art, to share their cultural heritage, and to promote friendship between all people, for a healthy society and a peaceful world.
Sensei Desai has trained extensively under the instruction of Grandmaster Zhu Tian Cai who is the 19th generation descendant of the Chen family. Grandmaster Zhu is a classical master of this art. He has studied T’ai Chi his entire life and was trained by the highest skilled masters of the last generation. He is considered as one of the four “Buddha’s Warriors” of the Chen village.

Chen Wangting (1600-1680), a ninth-generation descendant of the Chen family, put together his vast knowledge of martial arts, traditional Chinese medical theory and classical Tao Te Ching philosophy to create T’ai Chi. This internal martial art has been passed down in the Chen family from generation to generation for over 300 years.
Today, the descendants of the Chen family continue to strive for excellence, to develop and improve their family’s martial art, to share their cultural heritage, and to promote friendship between all people, for a healthy society and a peaceful world.
Sensei Desai has trained extensively under the instruction of Grandmaster Zhu Tian Cai who is the 19th generation descendant of the Chen family. Grandmaster Zhu is a classical master of this art. He has studied T’ai Chi his entire life and was trained by the highest skilled masters of the last generation. He is considered as one of the four “Buddha’s Warriors” of the Chen village.

Sensei Sandeep Desai is the master of T’ai Chi, Ashtanga Yoga and Karate with several international accolades to his name. Sensei is the only Indian, authorized by 2 legendary Grandmasters from China to teach the Original Chen style T’ai Chi in India.